What You Need to Know to Get Started with AI Image Generation


In the ever-changing realm of design, where imagination meets technological advancement, a revolutionary force has emerged—AI (artificial intelligence) image generation. AI’s transformative potential has ignited a spark of curiosity among creators and innovators alike.

By harnessing the capabilities of AI, designers can now explore new horizons and push the boundaries of their creative output. AI image generation combines the prowess of machine learning algorithms with design principles, enabling the creation of stunning visuals that captivate and inspire.

How AI Image Generation Works

AI image generation involves training a neural network on a large dataset of images to learn patterns, styles, and visual features. The network gradually improves its understanding through iterative adjustments to its parameters.

Once trained, the network can generate new images by taking random input or guiding parameters and applying its learned knowledge. Multiple neural networks may work together, with a generator network producing images and a discriminator network providing feedback to refine the output.

This ongoing field of research aims to enhance the network’s ability to create visually appealing and coherent images, pushing the boundaries of AI in visual content creation.

How You Can Use AI Image Generation

AI image generation has become increasingly accessible and user-friendly, enabling anyone to incorporate AI-generated art into their designs. There are a few ways in which individuals can leverage AI image generation:

  • Design Assistance: AI tools can help quickly generate rough examples that can be refined and ultimately speed up the design process.
  • Image Enhancement: Algorithms can enhance and modify images for improved quality and artistic effects.
  • Content Creation: AI can generate original visual assets like logos and illustrations based on specified parameters and sketches/drafts you provide.
  • Style Transfer: The technology can apply the style of one image to another, creating unique and visually striking compositions.
  • Prototyping and Mock-ups: AI image generation enables the quick creation of realistic prototypes and mock-ups for designs.

The Landscape of AI Image Generation

In the realm of AI image generation, three prominent names have risen to the forefront as the most popular and groundbreaking technologies:


DALL-E 2 (developed by OpenAI) generates highly detailed and imaginative images from textual descriptions through a simple, easy-to-use web API. Unlike many other models that only generate images, DALL-E 2 also enables users to use its AI to edit or add portions to an existing image. DALL-E 2 also features tools to help archive and organize user-generations.


Unlike other AI image generators, Midjourney (developed by Midjourney, Inc.) is accessed through Discord via a bot. This platform helps boast a unique social and collaborative experience that boasts a thriving community of individuals that range from image generation hobbyists to business professionals. Their powerful AI model tends to generate less realistic results that are deliberately artistic and fantastical.

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion (developed by Stability AI) stands out among the other AI image generators as being an open-source AI. It is extremely customizable and advanced, boasting features such as image-to-image generation and image editing tools that affect portions of an image for fine-tuned adjustments.

How You Can Try AI Image Generation Right Now

Presently, DALL-E and Midjourney are no longer free to use. DALL-E requires new users to purchase credits which are consumed with each image generated in their web UI. Midjourney, on the other hand, employs a subscription-based model where users pay monthly to be able to create images with the AI bot commands on their Discord server, with its capabilities and power varying depending on the plan.

The standout here is Stable Diffusion. It is a completely free open-source AI model that can be installed locally on your own machine or on a cloud service such as Google Colab and AWS. A strong community has grown around it, giving users incredible customization on how to enhance their experience with the model such as the extremely popular AUTOMATIC1111 browser interface. Many instances of the AI are immediately ready to use on online platforms such Stability AI’s own Clipdrop and Dezgo.

The Future of Design with AI Image Generation Technology

As we stand at the threshold of a new era in design, it becomes clear that this transformative technology holds immense potential for designers and artists alike. With the power to transform mere lines of text into near-instant reality, AI-driven algorithms are becoming indispensable companions to designers seeking to push the boundaries of imagination. These pioneering technologies embody the exciting landscape of AI and, with them, the promise of reshaping the future of design itself, offering an inspiring array of applications and opportunities to unleash the full potential of creativity.

Here at Digital Agility Media, we are actively embracing AI image tools to transform our clients’ experiences and enhance the services we provide. With advanced algorithms and machine learning, we are equipped with the most cutting-edge tools to unlock new realms of inspiration, streamline our design process, and deliver exceptional results at remarkable speed.

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